
S.E.m. Cardinal

Oscar Cantoni

Bishop of Como
Born in Lenno, he moved with his family at the age of eight to Tremezzo (CO) and entered the Como Seminary in 1970, after his classical studies at the Gallio College in Como, run by the Somaschi Fathers. He was ordained a priest on 28 June 1975 by Bishop Teresio Ferraroni. Immediately after his priestly ordination, he was entrusted with the delicate task of looking after the diocesan vocational pastoral care, for which he organised, over the years, various formative moments and prayer initiatives, aimed especially at young people. He contributed to the birth and development in the Diocese of Como of the ‘Ordo Virginum’ (association of consecrated virgins). In 1986, he was appointed Spiritual Father of the Como Seminary, a post he held until 2003, when he was appointed Episcopal Vicar for the Clergy. Over the years he has preached numerous spiritual retreats to priests, consecrated persons and lay people in various Italian dioceses. Appointed Bishop of Crema on 25 January 2005, he received episcopal ordination in Como Cathedral at the hands of Bishop Alessandro Maggiolini on 5 March and took possession of the Diocese of Crema on 19 March 2005. On 4 October 2016 he was appointed Bishop of Como and began his ministry on 27 November 2016. On 29 May 2022 Pope Francis announced his creation as cardinal, which took place in the Ordinary Public Consistory of 27 August 2022, becoming titular, from Cardinal Presbyter, of Santa Maria Immacolata Regina Pacis in Monteverde – Rome. As a cardinal he is a member of the Dicastery of Bishops (appointment 13 July 2022)

A chapter of canons, whether cathedral or collegiate, is a college of priests which exercises more solemn liturgical functions in a cathedral or collegiate church. In addition, it is the responsibility of the cathedral chapter to fulfil the functions entrusted to it by law or by the diocesan bishop.

Can. 503

Effective canons

  • FEROLDI mons. Flavio, Archpriest President
  • SAVOLDELLI mons. Luigi, Penitentiary
  • SALVADORI mons. Ivan, Theologian
  • PIANI mons. Simone, Master of ceremony
  • BEDETTI mons. Enrico
  • CALVI mons. Guido
  • ORTELLI mons. Bruno
  • PINI mons. Renato

Honorary Canons

  • CARLISI mons. Antonio
  • FOLLADORI mons. Marco
  • MALINVERNO mons. Isidoro
  • MELONI mons. Andrea
  • NOGARA mons. Marco
  • PINI mons. Alberto
  • SACCOMANI mons. Francesco
  • SANGIANI mons. Fausto
  • VALPOLINI mons. Rinaldo
  • XERES mons. Saverio
  • ZUBIANI mons. Marco


  • PADRI Saveriani
  • AVINIO, don Paolo, accompagnamento spirituale
  • BORELLA, don Mario, organista ausiliario
  • ILLIA, don Giovanni, accoglienza dei pellegrini e dei turisti
  • NEGRINI, don Nicholas, maestro di cappella

The Musical Chapel of Como Cathedral was founded in 1637. It provides the musical animation of the Cathedral, both for liturgical and cultural events. It is located at 3 via Grimoldi, in the Bishop’s Palace.

It is made up of a polyphonic choir and a group of organists and singers for the Sunday Masses.

At present the Chapel is directed by Don Nicholas Negrini, director of music, assisted by Lorenzo Pestuggia, regular organist and archivist.

The choir takes part in the most important celebrations of the liturgical year, especially when the Bishop is present.

The choir practices once a week on Friday evenings from 20.30 to 22.30.

For further information please email

Musical archives

The Musical Chapel is in charge of the Cathedral’s musical archives, which include manuscripts (from the XVI century), printed scores and works composed mainly by our Chapel Masters: Francesco Spagnoli Rusca, Marco Enrico Bossi, Luigi Picchi and Felice Rainoldi. 

The archives can be consulted by appointment. 

For further information, please send an e-mail to

Il “Coro Voci Bianche del Duomo di Como” nasce il 31 agosto 2016, solennità di Sant’Abbondio, patrono della città e diocesi di Como, su auspicata volontà dell’allora vescovo, mons. Diego Coletti, grazie alla sinergia tra il Capitolo della Cattedrale, nella persona dell’arciprete, mons. Flavio Feroldi e l’Accademia di Musica “G. Pasta” di Como.

Come tale, è da considerare principalmente in funzione della liturgia della Cattedrale, senza escludere, anzi auspicando anche una autonoma attività concertistica. Il coro “Voci bianche del duomo di Como” viene anche inteso come un valido bacino di nuove leve per la Cappella musicale del Duomo.

Il coro è diretto, dalla sua istituzione, dal m°Antonello Rizzella, ed accompagnato, sugli organi della Cattedrale o al pianoforte, dal m° Lorenzo Pestuggia. Al direttore del coro si affiancano in maniera stabile:

  • una “guida spirituale”, nominata dal Capitolo della Cattedrale, alla quale è affidata la formazione catechistica e liturgica dei coristi, introducendoli al senso del culto cristiano, nei suoi tempi, segni e contenuti principali, e aiutandoli ad assumere un comportamento adeguato all’ambiente della Cattedrale;
  • un “assistente”, eventualmente scelto tra i genitori dei coristi, incaricato degli aspetti organizzativi, della sorveglianza, e di ogni esigenza pratica dei coristi, durante le prove e le esecuzioni.

Il coro è formato mediante il reclutamento di bambini e ragazzi, di entrambi i sessi, in età compresa tra i 7 e i 14 anni, tenendo conto dell’eventuale muta della voce.

Gli aspiranti coristi, dopo un’audizione davanti a una apposita commissione, saranno ammessi alla frequentazione del corso preparatorio, al termine del quale, a giudizio del direttore del coro, potranno diventare cantori effettivi.

L’inizio dell’attività annuale del coro è prevista a partire dal mese di settembre.

Le lezioni-prove si tengono al martedì presso la sede della Cappella Musicale del Duomo in via Grimoldi 3 (presso il palazzo Vescovile) con la seguente strutturazione:

  • 16.30/17.30 Corso preparatorio
  • 17.00/18.30 Prova coro effettivo

Dalle 17.00 alle 17.30 i due gruppi canteranno insieme, per favorire la conoscenza reciproca e l’apprendimento peer to peer; si lavorerà sull’apprendimento di nozioni musicali (e non) utili all’attività del cantore (ad es.: tecniche di respirazione e vocalità, esercitazioni logopediche finalizzate al canto, lettura musicale, postura corporea da tenere durante i concerti o le celebrazioni liturgiche).

Per contatti e informazioni

  • m°Antonello Rizzella
The Cathedral Chapter is assisted by a group of committees who organise and plan the various activities that take place in the Cathedral. Routine maintenance and upkeep is carried out by our sacrists.

Liturgical Committee

The Liturgical Committee is responsible for the preparation and organisation of celebrations. It is made up of representatives of the priests, readers, choirmasters, organists, acolytes and sacristians.

Cultural Committee

This committee proposes and organises cultural events in the Cathedral. Its main activity is the planning of conferences, exhibitions, concerts and guided tours: all means of proclaiming the faith and transmitting Christian culture to contemporary society. This committee aims to highlight the artistic heritage of the Cathedral.

Welcome Committee

The Welcome Committee organises and welcomes the people who take part in the most solemn celebrations and the many tourists who visit our Cathedral. Voluntary groups and associations work with it.